By keeping things simple with the buy-local theme the Open House just came together. At the Fair we met Howard and Colleen (execellent BBQ chefs with a cafe soon to open on Acushnet Ave) and the west indian chicken and ribs were just thing to go with Fresh Portuguese Cheese from Westport (purchased at DeMellos Market), Cranberry Bread and Chocolate Covered Cranberries from Tihonet Village Market in Wareham and wine from Running Brook Winery in North Dartmouth (purchased at Freitas Package Store).
Yesterday we were also running a booth for the Coalition for Buzzard Bay at the Fair. The Coalition is having a $10 membership drive that's being matched by an anonymous donor. This membership drive is a way to give local support to challenges being faced in our coastal waters especially now. Having designed the Smart Growth Mixed Use Project featuring Energy Star Townhouses in response to the Coalition for Buzzards Bay Action Plan for Land Use we want to help spread the word about the Membership Challenge Campaign. See more.